Unique bird Baya weaver nest construction amazing

The baya weaver (Ploceus philippinus) is a weaverbird found across the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Flocks of these birds are found in grasslands, cultivated areas, scrub and secondary growth and they are best known for their hanging retort shaped nests woven from leaves.

These nest colonies are usually found on thorny trees or palm fronds and the nests are often built near water or hanging over water where predators cannot reach easily. They are widespread and common within their range but are prone to local, seasonal movements mainly in response to rain and food availability. Male of burmanicus race with the bright yellow crown Among the population variations, three subspecies are recognized. The nominate race philippinus is found through much of mainland India while burmanicus is found eastwards into Southeast Asia.

The population in southwest India is darker above and referred to as subspecies travancoreensis. These are sparrow-sized (15 cm) and in their non-breeding plumage, both males and females resemble female house sparrows. They have a stout conical bill and a short square tail. Non-breeding males and females look alike, dark brown streaked fulvous buff above, plain (unstreaked) whitish fulvous below, eyebrow long and buff coloured, bill is horn coloured and no mask. Breeding males have a bright yellow crown, dark brown mask, blackish brown bill, upper parts are dark brown streaked with yellow, with a yellow breast and cream buff below Baya weavers are social and gregarious birds. They forage in flocks for seeds, both on the plants and on the ground. Flocks fly in close formations, often performing complicated manoeuvres. They are known to glean paddy and other grain in harvested fields, and occasionally damage ripening crops and are therefore sometimes considered as pests. They roost in reed-beds bordering waterbodies.

They depend on wild grasses such as Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) as well as crops like rice for both their food (feeding on seedlings in the germination stage as well as on early stages of grain[6]) and nesting material. They also feed on insects (including butterflies), sometimes taking small frogs, geckos and molluscs, especially to feed their young. Their seasonal movements are governed by food availability. Their calls are a continuous chit-chit-... Both males and females are polygamous. Males build many partial nests and begin courting females. The male finishes the nest only after finding a mate. The female lays about 2 to 4 white eggs and incubates them for about 14 to 17 days.Males may sometimes assist in feeding the chicks. The chicks leave the nest after about 17 days.After mating with a female the male typically court other females at other partially constructed nests. Intraspecific brood parasitism is known, that is, females may lay their eggs in the nests of others.

17 BIGGEST Trees in the World

This Atlas Cedar in the Foret de Cedar in Northern Morocco is one of the tallest Trees in Africa. The tree has an estimated girth of 3.5 feet and is estimated to be more than 131 feet tall! This tree was planted around 1200-1400 A.D. which makes it at around 7 centuries old.

The Queets River Spruce in Washington state was the largest Spruce Tree in the world. The Queets Spruce has a circumference of 60 feet and is 191 feet tall. It attracted nature enthusiasts and tourists from around the country, but unfortunately fell when a harsh winter storm hit the area in 2007. This tree is the largest known western redcedar in the entire world. It has a volume of over 18,000 cubic feet and a height of 180 feet when it was last measured.

This tree makes its home about 21 miles from the pacific ocean near Quinalt Lake and took the title for tallest tree in the area after the Queets Lake Spruce was felled in a storm. These odd trees that decorate the plains of Africa are known for their many strange characteristics. The tops of their branches make them look like their roots sprout into the air instead of into the ground, they’re known to be fire resistant and it can last through even the most severe droughts. The Baobabs aren’t just incredibly fascinating alien-like plantlife, they’re also incredibly large, regularly reaching towering 100 foot heights and massive 30 foot diameters. Near a tiny village hidden in the mountains of central Colombia, the Cocora Valley acts as the residence for the world’s tallest palm trees which also have been recognized as Colombia’s national tree.

The Palms in this valley grow more than 200 feet tall, which is strange even to many experts as there is no evolutionary benefit for a tree in an open field to grow so high. The Tane Mahuta is a giant kauri tree (Agathis australis) in the Waipoua Forest of New Zealand. Tane Mahuta is 58 feet high but has a total volume of 18,250 cubic feet, making it the 4th largest trees when measured by volume in the world. Experts estimate this tree to be between 1,250 and 2,500 years old, so not only is it one of the largest trees, it is also one of the oldest. Tane Mahuta translates to “Lord of the Forest” when translated from Maori, which is more than an appropriate name considering the Tane Mahuta’s size and age.

Little Known Facts NO ONE talks about!

6 - Russia’s Contributions to WWII Russia has a pretty bad reputation. First there were the czars. Then there were the Bolshevik revolution, the reign of Lenin, Stalin’s tyrannical atrocities, and the whole cold war not so long ago. So in many ways, they’ve earned their reputation. But it’s worth noting that without their efforts during WWII, Western civilization as we know it might not exist. In school, most Americans were taught that America won WWII. The efforts of our allies, aside from maybe England and Winston Churchill are rarely mentioned, and the fact that war had been raging in Europe for a good two years before America joined the effort isn’t usually front and center in the narrative. And it’s almost never acknowledged that without the help of The Soviet Union, Europe might have fallen to the Nazis. But the fact is Russia bore the biggest burden of any of the Allied countries, accounting for about 95 percent of all the Allied casualties! Think about this one; Russia suffered more than all of the Allied countries combined. The US who did indeed play a big role in altering the trajectory of the war, lost about 400,000 soldiers but virtually no civilians. Russia, on the other hand, lost at least 11 million soldiers, and anywhere between 7 and 20 million civilians based on a few different estimates. In the Battle of Moscow alone more than half a million Soviet troops were killed, while the battle itself proved to be a huge setback for Hitler. The Soviet’s relentless defense of the city wore the Nazis down and resulted in a domino effect of strategic failures for Hitler and his demented plans. When Hitler tried to invade Russia he was initially successful. But it was the Battle of Moscow and the Soviet’s heroic efforts that stalled his advances. For a man who supposedly studied Napoleon and STILL tried to invade Russia during the winter, part of Hitler’s undoing was his own blind ambition and his unfettered thirst for conquest. But the Russian counter offensive forced Germany back, and led to the failure of Hitler’s small scale offenses in Russia as well as Operation Barbarossa, the code name for Hitler’s large scale invasion. Without a doubt, that helped shift the war in the Allie’s favor. So while Russia has had less than a charming relationship with the rest of the world, we’d be foolish to forget how they helped save the very same world they’ve been menacing. Kind of ironic, don’t ya think?

5 - Ants weigh more than what?! Ants can be really annoying. They crawl all over everything at picnics and some ants, such as fire ants, can inflict some pretty painful bites. Oh yeah, don’t forget Bullet ants, whose bite is said to be one of the most painful things known to man. It’s almost like the world would just be better without them. Right? Wrong. Here, I’ll prove it. Say for example that ants all just died tomorrow, or they said “screw it” and packed up and went to another planet. Either way, let’s just say they’re all gone. That would cause a sh*t storm of consequences like you couldn’t imagine. The ecological imbalance that would create would ultimately cause many species to go extinct because Ants actually prey on insects that spread diseases. They also enrich the soil, which helps us grow food, and they protect vital plants in our ecosystem.

7 REAL & Creepy Places That Science CAN'T EXPLAIN

The Hessdalen Lights Nope it’s not in the States, it is in Europe, Northern Europe that is. And yes, it has lights but just only not on the sky. Imagine every day (and night) of your life in an X Files episode. Because, yes that is what actually happens to these fearless Vikings. Night after night, strange lights appear in the sky, dance around in patterns, and even flash in different colors.
 And this isn't just a couple of drunken Euro hillbillies taking grainy pictures. Science confirms the Hessdalen Lights are a real thing, and they don't know what causes them.creepy, places, around the world, world, most, worst, science, can’t explain, what’s the most, real places, creepiest, weirdest places, scariest, on earth, creepiest places on earth, facts, myths, haunted places, haunted, caught, japan, island, abandoned, spooky, list, Hessdalen Lights, Sleep Epidemic Of Kazakhstan, Fairy Circles, Namibia, Taos Hum, Devil's Kettle, Saint Louis Valley, Aokigahara Forrest, One frightening theory, which has been given some credence by a few tests, is that the valley is actually highly radioactive. Radon piggybacks on dust particles until it gets up in the atmosphere and decays, producing the lights. So they’re not exactly disco lights. Other scientists think that the valley might actually be one enormous C cell battery. It's been established that one wall of the valley is rich with copper deposits, and the other is rich with zinc, and that's pretty much the basic composition of batteries.

The Sleep Epidemic Of Kazakhstan Imagine calling in you’re sick after a night out. A hard night out! Or just saying you overslept. There is a pretty big chance they will believe you if you’re in Kalachi, Kasakhstan. Over the past few years, hundreds of residents of Kalachi have reported dropping unconscious, seemingly at random. The problem became so prolific that Kazakhstan even evacuated the town's inhabitants. The leading creepy, places, around the world, world, most, worst, science, can’t explain, what’s the most, real places, creepiest, weirdest places, scariest, on earth, creepiest places on earth, facts, myths, haunted places, haunted, caught, japan, island, abandoned, spooky, list, Hessdalen Lights, Sleep Epidemic Of Kazakhstan, Fairy Circles, Namibia, Taos Hum, Devil's Kettle, Saint Louis Valley, Aokigahara Forrest, hypothesis is that the residents of Kalachi are suffering the effects of radiation poisoning, since the town is close to a uranium mine that adheres to the stringent regulations you could expect from Kazakhstan. But that doesn’t stand as the neighboring town is closer to the mine and no such things have been reported. Also, all of the blood tests have turned out normal, which leads some to believe that the situation might be a case of good old-fashioned hysteria. Or maybe it is just easier to say something unknown wiped you off your feet instead of admitting you watched Miss Kazakhstan until early morning.

The Fairy Circles Of Namibia Or what one would descreepy, places, around the world, world, most, worst, science, can’t explain, what’s the most, real places, creepiest, weirdest places, scariest, on earth, creepiest places on earth, facts, myths, haunted places, haunted, caught, japan, island, abandoned, spooky, list, Hessdalen Lights, Sleep Epidemic Of Kazakhstan, Fairy Circles, Namibia, Taos Hum, Devil's Kettle, Saint Louis Valley, Aokigahara Forrest, cribe as fields of grass frequently interrupted by patches where nothing will grow.

The Taos Hum If others believe you are one of those persons that is considered to hear anything – sound frequency wise not gossip – then you might just know what it feels like to be slowly driven insane by a sound you can barely detect.creepy, places, around the world, world, most, worst, science, can’t explain, what’s the most, real places, creepiest, weirdest places, scariest, on earth, creepiest places on earth, facts, myths, haunted places, haunted, caught, japan, island, abandoned, spooky, list, Hessdalen Lights, Sleep Epidemic Of Kazakhstan, Fairy Circles, Namibia, Taos Hum, Devil's Kettle, Saint Louis Valley, Aokigahara Forrest, Since the 1990s, residents of Taos, New Mexico have reported a constant, ceaseless humming noise that permeates the entire town and drives them close to barely distinguishable madness. Apart from

SIMPLE Questions Science Still CAN'T EXPLAIN

The field of science is capable of some amazing things, mostly because it's filled with all the Albert Einsteins and Doogie Howsers the world has produced over the centuries. But it may shock you that some of the most mundane, everyday concepts are as big a mystery to scientists as they are to the average toddler. Well, if you count K.N.D. , dexter, jimmy neutron then life itself will be really confusing. 5 Simple Questions You Won't Believe Science Can't Answer Things like .

5. Laughter, why do we do it? Despite the fact that it's something we do every day, scientists aren't entirely sure why humans laugh and there are only a few species on the planet that do it. Despite another fact that many other animals also have complex social structures like our own, they appear to be largely humourless. Don’t kill me laughter isn't necessarily anything to do with humour, anyone who has politely sat through their father-in-law's jokes will attest to that. It is reckoned that only around 20% of laughter is in response to an actual funny joke or a stimulus like tickling, the rest is made up of the polite guffaws and awkward giggles that punctuate conversation without anything really being funny. (don’t lie to me I know I’m in that category) It is also thought that perhaps laughter is used as a way of controlling the behaviour in our social groups. The difference between "laughing with" and "laughing at" , could be the key to this. When you laugh at someone, you are essentially telling them that their behaviour is not acceptable to your group, either pushing them out or forcing them to alter it, whereas "laughing with" is a signal that the behaviour is accepted within the group. The fact that humour plays a role in sexual selection - that women love a sense of humour - could be the reason for its prevalence in humans as it would be a successful trait passed down through generations. Too bad all topics aren’t about that though. And that’s it for laughter I guess, psychologist scientists have better things to do. (more science!!)

4 Why is Ice Slippery Saying that ice is slippery is like saying that water is wet -- it's something we've known for as long as we can be said to have known anything. Presumably, humans as a species knew ice was slippery before we knew fire was hot, or that it existed. But ask anyone why, and they won't be able to give you any better explanation than one of those cave people would have. Our intern Thoog suspects that either evil spirits or flash thawing is the culprit. Although at this point, most of you are probably screaming "It's water, stupid!" -- and that's more or less the answer that scientists have always concluded. Even in some modern textbooks you can still read the popular explanation: Unlike most substances, ice expands when it freezes. So when you walk on it, you're actually compacting it back into slippery old water. Sounds simple, right? Experiments have shown that your puny body doesn't exert nearly enough pressure on ice to squeeze even a tiny bit of it into liquid. Science: "We don't know ... ice fairies, maybe? (hey listen! I have the answer) *Zelda rap* hey listen you annoying- " There are some competing theories, though none of them are better than the others. One popular theory is that ice is not actually slippery at all. Though this sounds like something that science, exasperated, would proclaim while waving a gun in your face to make you stop asking stupid questions, a guy named Dr. Salmeron thinks that the roughness on the surface of ice is actually so high that, ironically, it becomes slippery when you flash-melt it due to the sheer friction you're applying to it. Of course, in the same breath, Dr. Salmeron admits he may be talking out of his ass. (sigh) or it’s so smooth of a surface, that there’s no friction at all. (it’s complicated!!)

3. why does boiling water freeze faster than cold water

Bizarre Incidents of Taking One's Own Life

When a famous bouncer named Haoui Montaug found out that he had aches in June 1991, he decided that it would be a great idea to invite a bunch of people over to watch him commit sui size. In the heat of the Right-to-dye movement taking place in the US around this time, people with terminal illnesses were sometimes allowed to commit physician-assisted sue size to keep them from supporting. At the time, there were not many viable treatments for aches, and there was a fairly low survival rate. So Montaug invited around 20 guests to his loft apartment in Manhattan where he planned to commit sue size amongst friends, at what was meant to be his last party. He swallowed 5 barbiturate pills throughout the night, which are pills often used with physician-assisted sue size, and fell into a deep sleep. He awoke the next morning with nothing but a headache. He was furious when he woke up alive, and swallowed 20 more pills which finally did the trick.

Number 6:
In 2008, a cleaner at the Singapore zoo decided to climb into a tiger enclosure where 3 white bengal tigers were lying down, and traumatize a bunch of families trying to enjoy their free time. Nordin Bin Montong was suffering from deep session when he decided that he couldn’t live any longer. Witnesses say that they had seen him acting “erratically”, and shouting and throwing things while passing the crocodile exhibit. The coworkers he passed by that morning also claimed that he had been saying things such as “goodbye”, and “you will not see me again”. So when the 32- year-old worker finally climbed into the tigers’ enclosure, bucket and broomstick in hand, he waded through the 10 meter wide moat towards the tigers while shouting and swinging his broomstick. As expected, things did not turn out well for him. He was torn apart by the 3 tigers, who flung him around like a rag doll until he was finally pulled out of the enclosure when the tigers were distracted. He later dyed from his 90 various external injuries, including a fractured neck, skull, and ribs, on the way to the hospital.

Number 5:
 A 47 year old schizophrenic artist named Richard Sumner, was beginning to feel like a burden to his family members due to his mental illness. He was feeling very depressed when he finally couldn’t take the paid any longer, and thrilled himself in a really unique way. In 2002, he walked deep into a forest, handcuffed himself to a tree, and threw the key away. He had tried this same method in 1996, but had freed himself 4 days after not being able to go through with thrilling himself. This time, he was too far away for people to hear his screams for help, and had no chance of retrieving the key himself. So after many days, and many useless attempts to escape, he finally dyed of exposure. It took 3 years for his skeleton to eventually be found by a woman who became lost while walking her dog. Of all the ways he could have chosen to commit sue size, he had to choose one of the longest, most tortoise ones. In 2008, a successful businessman named Gerald Mellin was going through a rough patch in his marriage. A few weeks after divorcing his wife, he told her that he was going to thrill himself, and held up the rope he planned to use. She was worried, but didn’t think that he was being serious. One day not long after making his threat, he tied one end of the rope around a tree and the other around his neck.

Number 1:
Christine Chubbuck was a well known news reporter in 1974, but she’d had a troubled past, riddled with deep session and sue decal tendencies. She’d become frustrated with the channel’s focus on permanence and board shred as a means to attract viewers. So one day she showed up to work with a reviler hidden in a grocery bag, and a handwritten script that she’d prepared for herself. She sat in the chair, flicked back her hair away from her face, and read from her script: "In keeping with Channel 40’s policy of bringing you the latest in good and guts, and in living color, you’re going to see another first: An attempted sue size.” She then pulled the .38 caliber revolver from the grocery bag hidden under her desk, and proud herself in the back of the head on live TV. As the cameras cut to black, she was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, but dyed shortly after. Her sue size was widely considered to be a result of her deep session and loneliness, as she'd had trouble allowing herself to enjoy friendships and relationships.

Craziest Traditions From Around The World

10 Up first in tenth place, we have the Hindu tradition of Thaipusam piercings which takes place across India and in other Hindu communities across the world. During the celebration of the religious holiday Thaipusam, Hindus show their devotion to Lord Murugan by piercing various parts of their bodies. Lord Murugan, who is one of the earliest Hindu gods dating back to around the third century BC, is said to have killed a vengeful spirit, Soorapadman, with a spear – and therefore, logically, people stab themselves to celebrate it. As the years have passed, the piercings have become more and more gruesome – often including putting large spears and hooks through their chest or face.

 9 Here in ninth is Chinese hat hair. This strange tradition sees women wear headdresses made from the hair of their dead ancestors. Instead of throwing away their hair when its cut, women who are part of China’s minority community, the Long-horn Miao, instead save it and add it to their collection for use when they die. Once they have passed, the hair is made in to spectacular headdresses and worn on special occasions by young women in the family. The evidence of these hats has been found as far back as 6,000 years.

8 The Phuket Vegetarian Festival, which is much more interesting than any PETA rally, is a colourful event held over nine days in October. The event celebrates the belief that abstinence from meat during the ninth month of the Chinese calendar will help them to obtain health. The origin of the festival is said to have come from when a Chinese opera group fell ill with Malaria when performing on the Phuket Island in Thailand. They chose to stick to a strictly vegetarian diet and pray to the emperor gods to ensure that their mind and body were purified. To the surprise of everybody, the group made a full recovery and survived what was, during the 1800s when this took place, an incredibly fatal illness. So far, fairly normal. Well, if it ended there it wouldn’t be on the list. As well as the vegetarianism, the Phuket people like to commit various acts of self-mutilation in order to invoke the gods to protect them from such harm. This includes stabbing various objects through their body and face, and walking across burning coals. As in the nature of this celebration, there have been many injuries caused by this – and even a few deaths.

7 The endocannibalist Yanomami tribe. Endocannibalism is the consumptions of a person after they have died – as appose to just regular old cannibalism. The Yanomami tribe lives in the Amazon rainforest, near the border of Venezuela and Brazil, and the practice involves wrapping the corpse in leaves and allowing insects to pick at it. Around a month later, the bones are collected, smashed in to dust, and mixed in to a banana soup which is eaten by the rest of the tribe. After a year, they will then mix the ashes in to another banana soup and eat it. According to tradition, the ritual helps ensure that the souls of the dead find their way to the afterlife. The Yanomami tribe are semi-uncontacted, and this tradition has been going on for thousands of years, since they first migrated to the Amazon.

6 Coming in at sixth place Ashura. Ashura is an event recognised by many Muslims around the world for various reasons. For some Shiite Muslims, the day is observed by commemoration of the death of Imam Hussein – a grandson of the prophet Muhammed. Hussein allegedly died by being repeatedly struck on the head with daggers – an event which took place around the year 680 AD. Today, some men choose to join in a procession and hit themselves on the head with daggers to pay tribute to the fallen prophet. It is also to mourn the fact that they were not alive to save Hussein.

15 Strangest Animals You’ve Never Heard Of

15) Red-lipped Batfish Red-lipped Batfish is just the perfect name for this one. It is found on the Galapagos Islands and although it has a perfect sense for lipstick color, the fact is, Red-lipped Batfish is a very bad swimmer and it usually just walks on the bottom of the ocean. So it’s profile on facebook would be very popular, as it loves to take pictures and takes long walks down the ocean’s bottom. Also, I know some girls would kill for those lips!

14) Spiny Orb Weaver Spider Spiny Orb Weaver Spider can be found in some parts of the United States and Central America. They can also make people terrified in some parts of the Carribean. The fun part is that there are many different species of these spiny orb weavers and we chose the most terrifying one so you don’t faint if you see his relative somewhere else.

 13) Goblin shark The Goblin shark is… well, let’s just say extremely terrifying. Besides looking like something that can and will hurt you very badly unless you have a heart attack first, this very rare shark is also called a living fossil. Luckily, these sharks live at depths greater than 330 feet, and so it represents no danger to humans.

12) Pacu Fish Pacu Fish is a common name for different fish species, related to piranhas. Good news is that the Pacu Fish are vegetarians and can be found only in the major rivers of South America. Not only do they have scarily similar teeth as humans, they are also a lot bigger than average piranhas. I bet an upgraded version of a Pacu Fish would probably wear grills, but that’s just our human imagination.

 11) Umbonia Spinosa And they say aliens don’t exist. Umbonia Spinosa is still a big mystery for scientists. It is known that they use their beaks to pierce plant stems to feed, but their strange appearance is kind of unexplainable. So don’t worry if you see this little one and feel panicky and confused, even scientist feel like that.

10) Glaucus Atlanticus We know you feel confused, but don’t worry, this creature is so small it could fit in the center of your palm. Glaucus Atlanticus, also known as blue dragon is actually a species of a blue sea slug. They live in warm waters of the oceans and it floats on the water surface! The reason it floats is a gas-filled sac in its stomach. Kinda looks like a first stage Pokemon for me though.

 9) Mantis Shrimp The Mantis Shrimp looks like something Pixar could have created and made a successful franchise from it. But this little creature accepts no franchise, he’s the boss of his own business. And that is mainly killing prawns. And that is exactly why Mantis Shrimp is also called for “the prawn killer”. But there is no need to panic because this guy mostly hides in his burrows in tropical and sub tropical waters.

8) Bush Viper This fancy cousin of a snake is a carnivore predator, also known as the Bush Viper. The Bush Viper lives up in the trees in Africa, and its hunting begins at night. If you think that it could not get any scarier, just look at those beautiful colors it possesses. If you imagine it as the most fashionable snake there is, it might make your nightmares go away. At least for a little while.

7) Narwhal Narwhal is a whale. An uniwhale. Actually, no one calls it a uniwhale, but it looks pretty mythical, right? This is a toothed whale, and he has been loved over a 1000 years by the Inuits because of its ivory and meat. We might not have this little fella around for much longer as it is very sensitive to climate changes.

6) Panda Ant Not sure if this ant is a bit cute or that it can somehow eat me in a second. This little Panda Ant belongs to the Mutillidae family that gathers more than 3000 species. What a great family! The wingless females from this family actually look like large and hairy ants. They can be found in Chile and they are famous for their very painful stings.

Beautiful Sleepy Dogs and Cute Sleepy

Sleepy Dogs and Cute Sleepy Puppies are something we love to see at Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, Massachusetts. In this sleeping dog compilation you will see the most adorable shelter dogs and shelter puppies. We like to think we have the cutest puppies and beautiful dogs at our shelter, but in reality there are wonderful dogs available for adoption in shelters all over the world. Please visit an animal shelter near you. Wouldn't it be great to have one of these sleeping beauties in your home? All of these dogs and puppies have been adopted! At LOVEAPET we want to show you adorable animal shelter videos. We feature cute shelter dog videos and cute shelter cat videos. They are all rescue dogs and rescue cats that have been saved by Northeast Animal Shelter. The video you see was filmed while we made animal adoption videos for the shelter pets that stayed with us until they could find forever homes. LOVEAPET has safe animal videos for kids. We hope you enjoy watching these cute cats and dogs and that you will spread the word about animal adoption. You can Save a Pet!

21 Bizarre Mind-Bending Photos

14 Inception IRL
 These look like stills from some unreleased footage of Inception or something, but they’re just cleverly staged photos to trick your mind into believing this dude is defying the laws of physics. These were taken by artist Philippe Ramette who just turned his camera sideways when he took these photos.

13 Gravity Shift
Speaking of people who turned their camera sideways, check out these guys. It’s funny how some creative staging combined with simply turning your camera on its side can change your whole perception of an image. With a turn of a lens and some willing friends, you can create the illusion that gravity has turned completely sideways.

12 Surreal Landscape
This looks more like a surreal painting than a photoshopped image, but you would probably believe this was a photoshopped image rather than a real life photo right? Well, you’d actually be wrong if you thought that - it IS an actual photo of trees and sand dunes in Namibia, Africa. Photographer Frans Lanting took it right at dawn. The light hitting the sand in the background makes it look like a surreal orange sky, while the clay in the foreground is still untouched by sunlight making it look dark and blue.

11 Geyser Egg
This sort of looks like an alien egg about to hatch, or the portal where Kaiju come from, but it’s actually nothing that supernatural. This is an image of a geyser in the middle of Yosemite, taken a fraction of a second before the geyser erupted.

10 The Red Line
This shot of a forest looks like a scene from a Kubrick Film, but sadly it’s just a photo of the physical aftermath left behind by the 2010 toxic waste spill in Hungary. That line is reportedly how high the toxic sludge got, staining the land with its chemical residue. It’s sort of beautiful, but mostly tragic.

9 Triangular Sinkhole
Check out this triangular sinkhole in the middle of a public square in Sweden. It’s actually just a very well executed perspective trick. Look at it from a slightly different angle and you’ll see it’s just a painting on the ground. # 8 Morphing Building This building looks like it’s falling away from our plane of reality, and even looking at this image might make you feel a little uneasy. It’s not some avant-garde architectural concept; it’s just a trippy drape placed over a building that’s still under some construction.

7 Balcony Glitch
Is this some kind of storage house for prefabricated balconies or some weird scene of a sci-fi movie? Nope, this is the State Tower in Bangkok, which is often called the “largest building in Southeast Asia.” These are a bunch of balconies that line the facade of the building. It seems like each of its 68 floors has an infinite amount of balconies for some reason.

6 Clone Army
 This is either some sort of parody of the clone army from Star Wars or some person going crazy with the copy/paste mechanic on Photoshop, right? Nope, this is a photo of real men just walking in tandem at the exact same time creating a really trippy pattern. # 5 Surprising Twist Look at this beautiful photo of a historic house that has been retouched with color and sharpened for our viewing pleasure...Sike! It’s just a really well-made miniature set up taken with the right camera.

4 Unphotoshopped Image
 An artist created this image to look like it was digitally manipulated deliberately, but if you look really close you’ll notice that it’s actually a single continuous arrangement of objects cleverly arranged to trick your mind.

3 Space Boat Look!
A Space Boat! How is this photo NOT Photoshopped, you might be wondering. Well, it’s actually the camera settings that created this weird illusion. The color balance makes the sand look like that dark blue color, and the ocean is what looks like the sky. That’s why this boat seems to be floating in the middle of the air when it’s actually just sailing into the distance.

2 The City in the Clouds
This isn’t a CGI scene from a movie or a cute piece of art; it’s a real photo of the tallest buildings in the skyline of Dubai. This photo was reportedly taken from one of the top floors of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest skyscraper in the world. This is what the tallest buildings look like to someone from above the clouds.

1 The Biggest
Shotgun Ever I’ve heard of some crazy drinking games; Edward Forty-Hands, King’s Cup, and just straight up shotgunning a beer. Whatever drinking game this is, I think it might be going a little overboard. Luckily, this is just a creative photo taking advantage of forced perspective...OR IS IT?

10 Celebs You'd Never Think Have Super Hot Daughters

We all dream about being famous. When you’re a celebrity, the world seems to have an extra set of eyes on you and your personal life. Anyone you interact with will be included in the spotlight, including your family. If you’re the wife or child of a celebrity, consider yourself an instant famous person whether you like it or not. Think of it like a “guilty by association” type of situation. Being the child of a celebrity means that you grow up differently from regular kids. You might have cameras following you around as you live your life and do simple things like shopping or going to school. Your behavior is also crucial because one slip-up can reflect poorly on your celebrity parent. While many celebrities obtain their fame in their adulthood, forcing them to adjust to the idea of not having a personal life anymore, celebrity children are born into it.
If the daughter of the celebrity is really attractive, then she might get even more attention. In this video are celebs you didn’t know have super hot daughters. If the celebrity isn’t the most handsome, then it is even more of a shocker when this happens. But sometimes, genetics can smile favorably on a celebrity’s offspring, giving them more opportunities than their celebrity parent in some cases. Some of these celebrity daughters prefer to keep their personal lives private, while others are taking advantage of their fame and using that exposure to open-up opportunities for their career and future.


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