As human society evolves one of the key areas we are always looking to
improve upon is the realm of medicine. Hundreds of years ago, if you
were sick or suffering from some strange disease odds were that your
body either fought off the illness on its own or you died. Of course,
there was also the possibility that you were accused of being a monster,
or a witch and chased through the street with pitch-forks. In all
seriousness, early medicine was rather crude because we simple didn’t
know as much as we did now. Over time, knowledge and treatments improved
to the point where we began eradicating or nearly eradicating diseases
such as small pox, polio, malaria and even rabies. Thanks to medicine,
these once terrifying diseases are now more than under control and
Yet, it isn’t all so positive everywhere when it comes to disease
control. In addition to the near-yearly arrival of some new super-virus
that the media obsesses with, there are a range of diseases that remain
largely incurable and rather terrifying. Some have recently arrived from
the deepest jungles of Africa while others have been around for some
time but are so rare that you’ve probably never heard of them. Together,
they make up some of the scariest diseases you could ever run up
against. They’ll turn your muscle to bone, make you bleed from every
orifice, cause your feet to deform or cover you in a blanket of tumors.
It’s your choice but we suggest you don’t eat while you watch this
round-up of diseases even Hollywood couldn’t make up.