21 Bizarre Mind-Bending Photos

14 Inception IRL
 These look like stills from some unreleased footage of Inception or something, but they’re just cleverly staged photos to trick your mind into believing this dude is defying the laws of physics. These were taken by artist Philippe Ramette who just turned his camera sideways when he took these photos.

13 Gravity Shift
Speaking of people who turned their camera sideways, check out these guys. It’s funny how some creative staging combined with simply turning your camera on its side can change your whole perception of an image. With a turn of a lens and some willing friends, you can create the illusion that gravity has turned completely sideways.

12 Surreal Landscape
This looks more like a surreal painting than a photoshopped image, but you would probably believe this was a photoshopped image rather than a real life photo right? Well, you’d actually be wrong if you thought that - it IS an actual photo of trees and sand dunes in Namibia, Africa. Photographer Frans Lanting took it right at dawn. The light hitting the sand in the background makes it look like a surreal orange sky, while the clay in the foreground is still untouched by sunlight making it look dark and blue.

11 Geyser Egg
This sort of looks like an alien egg about to hatch, or the portal where Kaiju come from, but it’s actually nothing that supernatural. This is an image of a geyser in the middle of Yosemite, taken a fraction of a second before the geyser erupted.

10 The Red Line
This shot of a forest looks like a scene from a Kubrick Film, but sadly it’s just a photo of the physical aftermath left behind by the 2010 toxic waste spill in Hungary. That line is reportedly how high the toxic sludge got, staining the land with its chemical residue. It’s sort of beautiful, but mostly tragic.

9 Triangular Sinkhole
Check out this triangular sinkhole in the middle of a public square in Sweden. It’s actually just a very well executed perspective trick. Look at it from a slightly different angle and you’ll see it’s just a painting on the ground. # 8 Morphing Building This building looks like it’s falling away from our plane of reality, and even looking at this image might make you feel a little uneasy. It’s not some avant-garde architectural concept; it’s just a trippy drape placed over a building that’s still under some construction.

7 Balcony Glitch
Is this some kind of storage house for prefabricated balconies or some weird scene of a sci-fi movie? Nope, this is the State Tower in Bangkok, which is often called the “largest building in Southeast Asia.” These are a bunch of balconies that line the facade of the building. It seems like each of its 68 floors has an infinite amount of balconies for some reason.

6 Clone Army
 This is either some sort of parody of the clone army from Star Wars or some person going crazy with the copy/paste mechanic on Photoshop, right? Nope, this is a photo of real men just walking in tandem at the exact same time creating a really trippy pattern. # 5 Surprising Twist Look at this beautiful photo of a historic house that has been retouched with color and sharpened for our viewing pleasure...Sike! It’s just a really well-made miniature set up taken with the right camera.

4 Unphotoshopped Image
 An artist created this image to look like it was digitally manipulated deliberately, but if you look really close you’ll notice that it’s actually a single continuous arrangement of objects cleverly arranged to trick your mind.

3 Space Boat Look!
A Space Boat! How is this photo NOT Photoshopped, you might be wondering. Well, it’s actually the camera settings that created this weird illusion. The color balance makes the sand look like that dark blue color, and the ocean is what looks like the sky. That’s why this boat seems to be floating in the middle of the air when it’s actually just sailing into the distance.

2 The City in the Clouds
This isn’t a CGI scene from a movie or a cute piece of art; it’s a real photo of the tallest buildings in the skyline of Dubai. This photo was reportedly taken from one of the top floors of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest skyscraper in the world. This is what the tallest buildings look like to someone from above the clouds.

1 The Biggest
Shotgun Ever I’ve heard of some crazy drinking games; Edward Forty-Hands, King’s Cup, and just straight up shotgunning a beer. Whatever drinking game this is, I think it might be going a little overboard. Luckily, this is just a creative photo taking advantage of forced perspective...OR IS IT?


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