7 REAL & Creepy Places That Science CAN'T EXPLAIN

The Hessdalen Lights Nope it’s not in the States, it is in Europe, Northern Europe that is. And yes, it has lights but just only not on the sky. Imagine every day (and night) of your life in an X Files episode. Because, yes that is what actually happens to these fearless Vikings. Night after night, strange lights appear in the sky, dance around in patterns, and even flash in different colors.
 And this isn't just a couple of drunken Euro hillbillies taking grainy pictures. Science confirms the Hessdalen Lights are a real thing, and they don't know what causes them.creepy, places, around the world, world, most, worst, science, can’t explain, what’s the most, real places, creepiest, weirdest places, scariest, on earth, creepiest places on earth, facts, myths, haunted places, haunted, caught, japan, island, abandoned, spooky, list, Hessdalen Lights, Sleep Epidemic Of Kazakhstan, Fairy Circles, Namibia, Taos Hum, Devil's Kettle, Saint Louis Valley, Aokigahara Forrest, One frightening theory, which has been given some credence by a few tests, is that the valley is actually highly radioactive. Radon piggybacks on dust particles until it gets up in the atmosphere and decays, producing the lights. So they’re not exactly disco lights. Other scientists think that the valley might actually be one enormous C cell battery. It's been established that one wall of the valley is rich with copper deposits, and the other is rich with zinc, and that's pretty much the basic composition of batteries.

The Sleep Epidemic Of Kazakhstan Imagine calling in you’re sick after a night out. A hard night out! Or just saying you overslept. There is a pretty big chance they will believe you if you’re in Kalachi, Kasakhstan. Over the past few years, hundreds of residents of Kalachi have reported dropping unconscious, seemingly at random. The problem became so prolific that Kazakhstan even evacuated the town's inhabitants. The leading creepy, places, around the world, world, most, worst, science, can’t explain, what’s the most, real places, creepiest, weirdest places, scariest, on earth, creepiest places on earth, facts, myths, haunted places, haunted, caught, japan, island, abandoned, spooky, list, Hessdalen Lights, Sleep Epidemic Of Kazakhstan, Fairy Circles, Namibia, Taos Hum, Devil's Kettle, Saint Louis Valley, Aokigahara Forrest, hypothesis is that the residents of Kalachi are suffering the effects of radiation poisoning, since the town is close to a uranium mine that adheres to the stringent regulations you could expect from Kazakhstan. But that doesn’t stand as the neighboring town is closer to the mine and no such things have been reported. Also, all of the blood tests have turned out normal, which leads some to believe that the situation might be a case of good old-fashioned hysteria. Or maybe it is just easier to say something unknown wiped you off your feet instead of admitting you watched Miss Kazakhstan until early morning.

The Fairy Circles Of Namibia Or what one would descreepy, places, around the world, world, most, worst, science, can’t explain, what’s the most, real places, creepiest, weirdest places, scariest, on earth, creepiest places on earth, facts, myths, haunted places, haunted, caught, japan, island, abandoned, spooky, list, Hessdalen Lights, Sleep Epidemic Of Kazakhstan, Fairy Circles, Namibia, Taos Hum, Devil's Kettle, Saint Louis Valley, Aokigahara Forrest, cribe as fields of grass frequently interrupted by patches where nothing will grow.

The Taos Hum If others believe you are one of those persons that is considered to hear anything – sound frequency wise not gossip – then you might just know what it feels like to be slowly driven insane by a sound you can barely detect.creepy, places, around the world, world, most, worst, science, can’t explain, what’s the most, real places, creepiest, weirdest places, scariest, on earth, creepiest places on earth, facts, myths, haunted places, haunted, caught, japan, island, abandoned, spooky, list, Hessdalen Lights, Sleep Epidemic Of Kazakhstan, Fairy Circles, Namibia, Taos Hum, Devil's Kettle, Saint Louis Valley, Aokigahara Forrest, Since the 1990s, residents of Taos, New Mexico have reported a constant, ceaseless humming noise that permeates the entire town and drives them close to barely distinguishable madness. Apart from


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